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Can't cook enough!

Von: Its Sophy

Who hasn‘t seen a cooking/baking video made by „Tasty“ and thought that everything is happening too fast to follow? I have the solution to your problem. Tasty made their own cookbook with a ton of delicious recipes, which are easy to follow. They have a recipe for everyone- from meat lover to vegetarian, from salty to sweet, from typical American to international cuisine. You can‘t go wrong with this cookbook. Official description: You know Tasty: the crazy popular cooking brand that brings people together on small screens all over the world. You‘ve been mesmerized by their overhead recipe videos, but there‘s still something about having a tangible album of edible deliciousness at your fingertips. Enter: Tasty Latest & Greatest. This cookbook is just that- 80+ winning recipes, anointed by fans like you, that have risen to the top of the heap, powered by likes and comments and shares and smiles and full bellies. Whether it‘s a trend-driven dish like a glitter-bombed unicorn cake or a classic like a lasagna, every recipe has staying power. Get ready- your cooking is about to go viral. Pages: 192 My thoughts: I absolutely love this cookbook. Although I am not a chef, I can make those crazy/delicious looking recipes without any problems. The instructions are clear, the measurements are accurate and the pictures help you to follow the recipe. Even my mother, who has seen a lot of recipes in her life, was astonished by some recipes. I also liked how diverse the cookbook is. They have thought about everyone when they made the book. The layout looks great and sometimes I just like to look through the cookbook because it looks so aesthetically pleasing. My favorite recipes so far: Chicken pot pie Chocolate chip cookies Maybe this cookbook makes you fall in love with cooking/baking too.

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