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Who owns our lives if not ourselves?

Von: boogie.books

Who owns our lives if not ourselves? This is the question Ferdinand von Schirach asks in his new book ,,Gott”. It’s structured like a play (typical Schirach) and we get to be witnesses in a court which discusses the question of assisted suicide! A topic, which is after my opinion auch an interesting one!🤯 In the court different positions are argued by the german ethic council, medical, juristic and theological experts. It’s about Richard Gärtner, who doesn’t want to continue living after the death of his wife. How would you decide? Schirach gives you the opportunity to make up your own mind. 👀 I really loved that because the topic is just too difficult to state the outcome of the discussion 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was able to decide for myself and to get deeper into the topic with the given supplementary material (speeches at the end of the book ☺️). It’s a very diverse topic with lots of different points of views, which are all reasonable but also controvertible. Schirach gives all of them a place.🙏🏻 So if you want to educate yourself a bit while reading a well written and actually quite exciting book, this one is probably the one for you! 😌 What do you think of this structuring concept?☺️ In Germany we’ve got a lockdown again, but, the good message is, the bookshops are still open! 😍 So if you don’t have a Christmas present yet, I can recommend you Gott! It’s interesting to read, not too big, and looks just beautiful (am I right?!)😇 Thanks to for the gifted copy!🥰

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